Monday, November 17, 2014

May Day! May Day!

Hello! and welcome to my blog. My name is Sunny and I'm currently a student at LaGuardia Community College. This semester, I am enrolled in a class known at this college as: ENN195.0962: Violence in American Art and Culture, taught by Dr. Justin Rogers-Cooper.

This week, our class was asked to reflect on some of the reading we were assigned. We recently finished reading a short story entitled: "May Day" written by F. Scott Fitzgerald and published in 1920.

My thoughts: In my opinion, this novel reflects the world we live in today. F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote about war veterans returning home with nothing, to nothing. These war veterans were treated like lower class civilians, not praised and glorified like they thought they would be. These guys just came back from a victory and yet they themselves cannot even get their hands on some alcohol.  To me, it just seemed like these men were used and discarded, Much like the world we live in today. Society dictates that if you cannot be used for something, you get left behind. Basically, if you don't have anything to offer anyone, you're useless. I think this idea stems from the concept of Social Darwinism.

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